Social Anxiety Disorder: Identification and Treatment
What exactly is social anxiety disorder, why is it on the rise, and which interventions work the best? These are some of the questions Dr. Shaywitz, MD, will address in his presentation on December 7, 2021. Social anxiety disorder can masquerade as other behavioral issues, and it can become a chronic mental health condition, so identifying it correctly is important for treatment. A differential diagnosis of Social Anxiety Disorder includes panic disorder, agoraphobia, atypical depression, and body dysmorphic disorder. Dr. Shaywitz will discuss various pharmacological treatment options and the...Read more potential risks of not identifying this disorder accurately. Less...
Learning Objectives
- Differentiate social anxiety disorder from panic disorder, agoraphobia, atypical depression, and body dysmorphic disorder.
- Describe social anxiety disorder.
- Discuss the pharmacological treatment of social anxiety disorder.
- List several diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder.
Learning Levels
- All Levels
Tuesday, December 07, 2021
10:00 AM PST - 11:15 AM PST
About the speaker
CE Information - Earn 1 CE Credit Hour
CE Approvals
American Psychological Association
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